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A Day in the Life: Behind the Scenes at KNA Roofing
A Day in the Life: Behind the Scenes at KNA Roofing

A Day in the Life: Behind the Scenes at KNA Roofing

Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Roof

As the sun peeks over the horizon, I’m already up and at ’em. Working for KNA Roofing means early starts, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, we’ve been serving New York & New Jersey for over 15 years, and that kind of reputation doesn’t build itself!

7:00 AM: Morning Briefing

The day kicks off with a team huddle at our headquarters. We review the day’s projects, discuss safety protocols, and ensure everyone has the right equipment. It’s crucial that we’re all on the same page before heading out to various job sites across the region.

8:30 AM: On the Road

With our trucks loaded and ready to go, we hit the road. Today, we’re heading to a residential project in New Jersey. The drive gives us time to chat about the upcoming work and share some laughs – team bonding is an essential part of our day!

9:30 AM: Boots on the Roof

Once we arrive at the job site, it’s time to get to work. Safety is our top priority, so we start by setting up our equipment and ensuring the work area is secure. Then, it’s up the ladder and onto the roof we go!

12:00 PM: Lunch Break

Even roofers need to refuel. We take a quick break to eat lunch and hydrate. It’s a great opportunity to chat with the homeowners and answer any questions they might have about the project.

1:00 PM: Back to Work

The afternoon is all about making progress. Whether we’re:

  • Removing old shingles
  • Repairing damaged underlayment
  • Installing new roofing materials

We work diligently to ensure every detail is perfect. Our reputation for quality work is what’s kept us going strong for over a decade and a half!

5:00 PM: Wrapping Up

As the day winds down, we clean up the job site, ensuring it’s tidy and safe. We brief the homeowners on our progress and what to expect for the next day.

6:30 PM: Back at HQ

Before heading home, we return to headquarters to unload equipment and debrief on the day’s work. It’s a chance to address any challenges and plan for tomorrow.

Working for KNA Roofing is more than just a job – it’s about being part of a team that takes pride in protecting homes across New York and New Jersey. As I head home, tired but satisfied, I’m already looking forward to what tomorrow will bring in the world of roofing!