When it comes to furnace replacement, misconceptions abound. They often make consumers wary about taking the necessary action. Today we’re going to debunk some common myths about furnace replacement, and bring you facts direct from one of the leading industry experts, All Weather Heating and Cooling Inc.
Myth 1: Newer furnaces don’t really make a difference
This could not be farther from the truth. Most modern furnaces are designed to be energy-efficient which can significantly lower your utility bills. Technology has come far and companies like All Weather Heating and Cooling Inc. only provide sophisticated furnaces that meet high-efficiency standards.
Myth 2: All furnaces provide the same amount of heat
It’s easy to assume that all furnaces offer the same level of heat output. However, the heating capacity of a furnace is determined by its BTU (British Thermal Unit) rating. Higher BTU means more heat output. All Weather Heating and Cooling, Inc. provides a range of furnaces with varying BTUs to meet different customer needs.
Myth 3: The biggest furnace is the best furnace
Many homeowners believe that buying the largest furnace will guarantee the highest quality heating. This is another misconception. An oversized furnace can lead to inefficient heating and spiked energy bills. The right size depends on your home’s size, insulation level, and climate. All Weather Heating and Cooling, Inc. offers a comprehensive sizing guide to help you choose the perfect fit.
In a nutshell, when it comes to furnace replacement, trust industry experts like All Weather Heating and Cooling, Inc. They understand the ins and outs of heating systems and can provide insightful advice, leading to an informed and beneficial decision.